Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

I love Valentines Day!

It's really big on the island. In stands on the side of the roads, women sell huge platic wrapped teddy bears holding chocolates, roses, and other red and pink doo-dads. Everyone greets you with "Good morning, happy valentines" and all the single men try to make women their valentine.

But it's just another day at the theater. The show is a week away and though we aren't in a state of panic, all of the shortcomings that Denny Steve and I shrugged off early on are now presenting BIG problems. Like the fact that the "technical director" hates theater and hasn't read the script or attended a full rehearsal... or that we have no light board operator... or that our lighting designer can't be at the full tech rehearsal... or that our stage amangaer is leaving next week... or that one of the leads CANNOT memorize his lines... or that the costumer is on the verge of a nervous breakdown...


But it's Valentine's Day!

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