So Auditions! I didn't talk about those at all. They were great, very unorthodox, and found a great cast. We have seven principles, 3 men, 3 women, and 6 ensemble who will play two of three roles: beggars, whores, or thieves. Awesome. For anyone who hasn't seen the play/movie/read the script, it's a fun show. Between the August 1928 Berlin opening and the next January, it was performed over 1,000 times all over Europe. It highlighted the violent chaos of the late Weimar Republic and the greater underworld of Europe. So it was a hit. Of course, it soon became Hitler's "least favorite play," really.
But I digress...
There were so many kids at the auditions, it was really cute, but I doubt their parents would relish their playing a whore or gang member... well whatever. We do have one 14 year old in the show, Yasmine, whose mother came to the read-through last night. I was a bit apprehensive, but she guffawed along with us at all of the sexual humor in Three Penny. Yasmine has a voice that blows Christina Aguilera apart, so I'm excited.
Overall, the cast is talented and committed. I realized something wonderful about doing this show on St Thomas and that is that everyone looks a little rough. Whether from the sun or the salt, or poverty or manual labor, or recreation (sailors' bodies always take a hard hit), these people have great "looks."
Tomorrow morning I go sailing to _____ (I have no idea/don't remember) for an overnight. I rehearse this afternoon with Bethany, playing Jenny, Lotte Lenya. Woohoo!
Oop, meeting with Denny (director), more later…
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